World size: 500km*3 (-250.000 y 250.000)
Max. number of blocks by grid:
Total limit: 4000
Drill: 9
ShipWelder: 6
ShipGrinder: 2
InteriorTurret: 4
LargeGatlingTurret: 6
SmallGatlingTurret: 6
LargeMissileTurret: 4
SmallGatlingGun: 5
SmallMissileLauncher: 2
SmallMissileLauncherReload: 2
Thrust: 28
CargoContainer: 10
Reactor: 6
Gyro: 6
MyProgrammableBlock: 1
MotorSuspensions: 0
Wheel: 0
Piston: 1
Rotor: 1
GravityGenerator: 1
VirtualMass: 1
JumpDrive: 0
Refinery: 4
Assembler: 2
LargeShipSmallShieldGeneratorBase: 0
LargeShipLargeShieldGeneratorBase: 0
SmallShipMicroShieldGeneratorBase: 0
SmallShipSmallShieldGeneratorBase: 0
LargeHydrogenTank: 6
OxygenGenerator: 6
SmallHydrogenTank: 6
Max. number of block by player and grid:
LargeRefinery: 4
LargeAssembler: 2
LargeJumpDrive: 0
OxygenGenerator: 6
LargeGatlingTurret: 6
SmallGatlingTurret: 6
LargeMissileTurret: 4
SmallGatlingGun: 5
SmallMissileLauncher: 2
SmallMissileLauncherReload: 2